Nine million people in England can’t swim – that’s one in five adults. While it’s never too late, it’s much easier to learn how to swim as a child, compared to learning as an adult.

Kids who learn how to swim grow up to be adults who can swim. Like riding a bike, once children know how to swim, they will retain that skill for the rest of their lives.

There are lots of benefits to teaching children swimming skills; here are six of them:


Swimming lessons help keep kids safe

To state the obvious: a major reason for children to take swimming lessons is to prevent drowning.

Professional swimming lessons will not only teach your child how to swim but also how to be safe in and around water, for example, not to dive into shallow water, not to get out of your depth, and how to get to safety if they fall into water.


Swimming is great for physical fitness

Swimming is a great workout for the whole body. Your child will be using almost all their muscles while learning to swim, while, at the same time, exercising their heart and lungs.

Plus, swimming is a low-impact exercise, making it perfect for growing limbs and joints. It’s also ideal for kids with mobility issues as the water supports some of their body weight, allowing for greater freedom of movement.


Swimming improves coordination

Swimming teaches coordination, balance, and posture, all essential skills for proper motor development. Kids who swim are less likely to fall or get hurt during physical activities.

Swimming also helps develop fine motor skills. Children who swim regularly are generally better at cutting, colouring, and drawing lines, compared to kids of the same age who don’t swim.


Swimming builds self-confidence

When children take swimming lessons they not only learn how to swim, they learn that they can get good at something when they put their minds to it. Mastering this new skill will boost their self-confidence.

It’s common for children to be afraid of the water. Swimming lessons will help a child overcome their fear by providing consistent, safe interactions with water.


Swimming is good for mental health

In addition to physical benefits, swimming also offers various psychological and emotional benefits for children. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, makes them feel happier, and helps them sleep better.

During swimming lessons, children are taught to follow instructions, take turns, listen to their instructors and interact with other children. These valuable social skills will help them in their everyday lives.


Swimming is (relatively) affordable

Many extracurricular activities and sports can be very expensive. They often require specialist clothing and equipment that your child must have before s/he can take part. Swimming, on the other hand, is much more affordable; all you need is a swimsuit, and maybe some goggles.


At Swimkidz, we are proud to say we’ve taught thousands of children to swim and become safer around water. Using our tried and tested techniques and our progressive structured plans, Swimkidz children go on to swim independently earlier than in other lessons. Contact us today to find your nearest class.


Source: Why Children Need Swimming Lessons

Olivia and Thea Swimming